
Committees are vital to the life of the community. Participation is voluntary and all community members are urged to join. If you are interested in joining a committee, come to a membership meeting, ask your neighbors about committee activities or contact the committee directly using the Member’s Directory. When necessary, a new committee can be formed or an older one disbanded if no longer needed.

  • Social Committee

    The cultural and social backbone of the Goldens Bridge Colony community, currently scheduling events in the Summer, Fall and Spring of every year. Since the founding of the Colony in 1927, regular social events have enabled Colony members to remain connected to each other and stay viable as a community.

    During the summer months there are events scheduled almost every Saturday evening at the Barn or the Lake. Our events usually involve live music, theater, art, food, dance, games, and crafts, all of which are free of charge for members and their guests. On Friday nights we traditionally feature folk dancing at the Barn, free for all community members and their friends.

    Other annual events include free community barbecues on July 4th weekend and the first weekend of August, a Volleyball Tournament in early August, as well as a Halloween party and organized trick-or-treating for kids in October.

  • Road Four

    Exists to celebrate and recognize life events, the creative work of the community, community events, and activities that are of interest to the community. Road 4 has been published quarterly since 1974 for the purpose of distributing the Executive Board minutes, Colony life events, community news, articles of community interest, social calendar, culture, and issues pertaining to social justice.

    We encourage people to submit pictures and any articles that have relevance to the Colony and align with our editorial policy. We cannot guarantee that we will publish all articles and letters submitted but will act in good faith to publish everything that aligns with our mission.

    Road 4 will not publish articles that deal with current issues discussed on executive board level - those articles should go directly to the board. It will also not publish personal attacks.

    Information pertaining to current Colony business should be distributed through the Colony Secretary and not through Road 4. Please direct all letters about community level policy to the board.

  • Camp Committee

    Responsible for our day camp. The camp season begins in late June/ early July and runs until mid August. Camp utilizes the facilities of the barn, field, 17 acres, beach and lake areas. The camp is responsible for ensuring it follows all DOH guidelines ensuring camp is a safe place for campers and counselors. Although camp registration is open to children of the greater Goldens Bridge area, priority is given to residents of Goldens Bridge Colony at a discounted rate.

  • Lake Committee

    Responsible for the general upkeep of the lake to ensure it remains a safe space for our community to use recreationally. This includes testing and maintenance of the natural fauna of the lake.

  • Beach Committee

    Responsible for the general oversight of the beach area, volleyball court, basketball court and beach parking lot. A beach clean up is hosted annually before the beach is officially opened in June. The Committee is responsible for maintaining the physical facilities and beauty of the beach areas.

  • Barn Committee

    Responsible for monitoring and scheduling the use of the barn, teen center, and field during the year. When not in use for social events or camp, the Barn can be used, with permission, for private functions, by colony members in good standing. The Barn Committee is also responsible for the general upkeep and maintenance of the barn.

  • Environmental Committee

    Advises the membership on improvements to shared community resources/properties. Plans and coordinates positive actions, which include but are not limited to: organizing clean-ups including invasive vegetation, beautification projects, waste reduction, reuse & recycling efforts, providing relevant information to the community on general environmental concerns, and collaborating with other committees on shared concerns.

  • Town Committee

    Represents the Colony as a part of the Goldens Bridge Hamlet within the Town of Lewisboro. Committee members attend meetings of Lewisboro's Town Board, Planning Board, and Zoning Board of Appeals. The committee then reports back to the Colony Board about town events, as well as commercial & residential development plans, in Goldens Bridge and Lewisboro in general. The committee also communicates with the town board as needed.

  • Road Committee

    Oversees the use and condition of the roads in the Colony. Should problems occur with the physical condition of the roads, maintenance, parking, enforcement of speed limits, or general traffic patterns, the Roads Committee may contact the Lewisboro Highway Superintendent and recommend action to the Board.

  • Water Committee

    Responsible for the operation, maintenance and improvement of the Colony Water System.

  • Finance Committee

    Responsible for preparing the yearly budget. The treasurer coordinates with various committees to ascertain budget expense and income requirements for the fiscal year which runs from January 1 through December 31. The Finance Committee also assists the Treasurer with other financial matters.

  • Communications Committee

    Responsible for the general upkeep of the GBCA website.

  • Legal & Sales Committee

    Responsibility is three-fold - to review all real estate and legal agreements to ensure the Association’s rights are respected and preserved. To assist in the resolution of disputes involving the Community, its members, or other entities in a manner consistent with the Community’s goals. To coordinate with the Association’s counsel in representation of the Community in its litigation or dealings with public officials, agencies, or bodies. The Sale’s Committee function is to manage the communications and approvals for the sale of community members property as governed by the Constitution, By-Laws and Restrictive Covenants, particularly around the ‘right of first refusal’. The Committee receives notice that a member intends to sell their property, passing that information on to the Secretary who then notifies the membership.

This website is brought to you by the GBCA Communications Committee