The Goldens Bridge Community Association, Inc. commonly known as " The Colony " is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1927.
Cooperative spirit and voluntary efforts are the backbone of our community. The Colony consists of approximately 150 acres, 17 of which have been set aside to remain in a "forever wild " state for the enjoyment of our residents.
The Association owns a number of deep wells, a chlorination plant and water distribution lines running along Branch Street, Main Street, West Main Street, Hall Avenue and Hillside Avenue.
Our recreational facilities include a lake with beachfront area, volleyball sand court, basketball court, a social center (The Barn), open field and playgrounds. The lake has lifeguards on duty during the summer months and paddle boats and canoes for residents. A sand volleyball court adjacent to the lake hosts our annual Volleyball tournament which is followed by a community BBQ. Social events occur every Friday and Saturday in July and August with events from live music to theater to folk dancing. The barn is also available for residents to use for their own private events - free of charge. The Colony also hosts a daycamp for the community.
We share our time, talents and knowledge to help keep our community running smoothly. We hope residents will get involved by joining a committee. We urge the community to be informed by attending membership meetings, reading Road Four, our Association newsletter, and most of all, finding a way to participate in community activities. It's what makes living in The Colony a pleasurable and rewarding experience.

The Goldens Bridge Community Association is administered by a 15 member Executive Board elected by the membership. The Board consists of 4 officers: President, Vice-president,Treasurer, Secretary and eleven members at large. Officers are elected for one-year terms and Members-at-large for two-years. Elections are held annually at the August membership meeting. A nomination committee is formed prior to the annual elections and all members in good standing are encouraged to run for the Board.
Board meetings are held monthly and special meetings can be called in case of an emergency. Board meetings are open to all members. Meetings are usually held in the Teen Center at the Barn or via Zoom. Membership meetings are normally held four times a year - April, July, August and October. Dates and times are published in Road Four. Announcements of meetings are also emailed to members at least 30 days before a meeting and can be found here.
Committees are vital to the life of the community. Participation is voluntary and all community members are urged to join. If you are interested in joining a committee, come to a membership meeting or ask your neighbors about committee activities. When necessary, a new committee can be formed or an older one disbanded if no longer needed.
Life in the Colony
Please obey the 15 MPH speed limit so that we may continue to walk our roads in safety. Do not block roads with vehicles. Emergency vehicles such as fire trucks, ambulances, and snow plows need plenty of room to negotiate our narrow roads.
Please CONSERVE! In addition to private wells, the Colony maintains a water distribution system. Since ground water is the source for all colony water, conservation is important. In the case of a power failure, those homes on colony water should restrict their use of water. Continued draw of water during a power outage can result in damage to well pumps. Please do not discharge any substances into our lake. Do not walk dogs on or along Colony well properties. Do not dump or permit others to dump on or along Colony well properties. It is unlawful to dump or discharge automobile anti-freeze, oil, solvents or chlorinated or hydrocarbon compounds into the ground.
The lake and beach area is available to all members in good standing, as well as their tenants and guests.
Parking is not allowed along the roadways bordering the lake. For those choosing to drive to the beach and lake area, parking is provided at the corner of Main Street and Hall Avenue.
Garbage and recycling is picked up once weekly all year round. Garbage for pick up is stored in sheds or garbage pails adjacent to the roadway. Due to wildlife, garbage should be covered or only put out the morning of garbage pick up. Large items for disposal should be arranged for disposal with the sanitation company or your own arrangement may be made for removal. The Colony also hosts a dumpster twice a year for members to dispose of larger items. Your cooperation is essential to help keep Goldens Bridge clean.
Our community newsletter is available to all members and tenants. It contains newsworthy items and notices of important events to keep you informed.
Lewisboro leash laws require that dogs must be walked on a leash or under voice control at all times. Dogs are not permitted to roam on the roads or anywhere other than on the owner’s property. The dog warden will be alerted to pick up any dogs that are found unleashed. By order of the Westchester County Department of Health, dogs are not permitted at the beach from Memorial day - labor day. Please be considerate of your neighbors with regard to your pets and curb your dog!!! Do not jeopardize our bathing beach permits by allowing your pets to play or swim in our lake or at the beach area.
There is no leaf or christmas tree pick up. Leaves and/or Christmas trees should be discarded on each resident’s property or composted.
Goldens Bridge in the New York Times
Sept. 16, 2001
Goldens Bridge on npr
Steve Mencher visits Goldens Bridge, N.Y. Communist and other left-leaning Jewish workers from New York City founded the summer colony 75 years ago. Today it's surrounded by upscale suburbs, but many residents are still true to the founders' ideals.